Charm Clinic
The CHARM (Community Heart Failure Assessment, Rehabilitation and Management) clinic at Advanced Cardiology Consultants and Diagnostics (ACCD) is Alberta’s ONLY community based, outpatient clinic. The clinic is run on a charitable basis with the support and donations from the DIL Walk Foundation and ACCD.

Honourable Deputy Premier and Alberta Health Minister Sarah Hoffman and Honourable Minister Irfan Sabir visited the CHARM Clinic on April 27, 2017. They came to understand the impact of congestive heart failure on Albertans and how re-hospitalizations can be reduced. Dr. Anmol S. Kapoor, Cardiologist, welcomed them and presented data from the Charm Clinic. The innovative work done by the clinic (which is run on a charitable basis) was greatly appreciated.
DWF support the CHARM Clinic, Alberta`s only outpatient chronic disease clinic. The CHARM Clinic is a leader in heart failure care in the community that is actively engaged in ongoing clinical research. Over 320 hospital stays have been prevent since its conception, adding up to an average of 3,200 “bed days’’ saved by the clinic alone. This unique initiative frees up a hospital bed for other Albertans, and uses your support to run as this is not a government-supported program. Through the support you have provided, the foundation has been able to;
- Embrace the needs of over 25,000 people in Alberta, and numerous more around the world
- Saved the health care system over $15million
- Establish the very first Heart Research chair of its kind at the University of Calgary, a $1 million collaboration
- Donate $ 21,414 to the Mosaic PCN Refugee Clinic to help Canadian Refugees access medications
- Support the province`s only community based chronic disease clinic-CHARM Clinic
- Work in the community to inform and education about brain heart connection, with the DWF Social Worker
Donations and DIL Walk fund raising events, help to support the CHARM clinic.
All donations will receive a income tax receipt. Also, please do talk to your MLAs and MPs and help us give a helping hand to heart failure patients.