
DIL Walk Foundation

Take the Pledge

A healthy heart is a sign of a healthy lifestyle. When you eat healthy, exercise daily, resuce stress, and stay away from health enemies, such as obesity, too much salt, high fat foods, smoking and alcohol, then you are on the road to living with a happy, healthy heart. When you pledge, you are making a commitment to help protect your heart and health by making better choices today and everyday, wherever your day may take you. Through the pledge campaign, individuals, of all ages, made a commitment to their heart health. The pledge helped individuals to take ownership of your own health. DIL Walk Foundation was able to motivate 10 000 individuals to take the pledge, with Mayor Naheed Nenshi, being the 10 000th pledge. Heart disease affects all of us, and together we can work to reduce the negative impacts. We invite you to print the pledge and take it.

I Pledge:


To know my numbers and track them


To aim for five vegetables and fruits a day, limit high fat, salt, and sugar foods, and choose higher fibre and fresh foods more often.


To get moving – any increase in physical activity will help.


To limit canned, processed, and fast foods, and to add less salt when cooking.


To focus on lowering stress, taking my medications regularly and manage my health.

The information presented here should not be considered complete or take the place of a consultation with a physician or competent healthcare professional for medical diagnosis and/or treatment. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information.